Injury & Malpractice Attorney Serving Clients Near Dallas, Ft. Worth, Plano, Arlington, Irving, North Texas & Arkansas
Distracted driving is a national epidemic. While cellphone use such as texting while driving has been identified by the National Safety Council as the single cause in a quarter of all serious and fatal accidents, distraction itself plays a role in many more. When you are injured or a loved one is killed by a driver who feels his or her attention is better focused elsewhere, you have every right to hold that person accountable a seek compensation well in excess of the insignificant offerings of insurance companies. The Dallas car accident attorneys at Polewski & Associates are here to help you get that compensation, along with the justice you and your family deserve following these tragic events.
To schedule a free consultation and learn more about your rights, please contact Polewski & Associates online or by calling our Dallas office at 972.230.6200 today.
Understanding Distraction
In the simplest terms, distracted driving is driving while paying attention to anything that is unrelated to the operation of a vehicle. This can include:
- Using a cellphone to talk, type, or text
- Using hands-free electronics and entertainment systems
- Programing or reading GPS and map programs
- Changing a CD or radio station
- Playing with a portable music device
- Personal grooming such as putting on makeup
- Eating or drinking
- Lighting a cigarette
- Looking for a dropped item
- Rubbernecking
Literally anything at all that takes a drivers eyes off of the road places everyone else at increased risk for injury and death. When you become the victim of someone who feels that sending an “LOL,” drinking some coffee, or finding the exact song he or she wants to hear is more important than your life, you are entitled to hold that person responsible for all of your damages and to seek compensation for financial, physical, and emotional harm caused by their deliberate and inexcusable behavior.
Everyone believes they are good drivers and many hold to the idea that, despite their inattention to the road, they have everything under control. Not only is this provably incorrect, it is terribly irresponsible and places everyone at risk for serious injury.
Car accidents caused by distracted drivers in Dallas are on the rise, yet victims of these accidents are seldom awarded the compensation they need to make a full recovery. Our North Texas auto accident lawyers have no tolerance for drivers who choose to place others in harm’s way. We are prepared to take your case and fight aggressively for your rights, helping ensure you are awarded every penny you are due.
For a free consultation with our Dallas distracted driving lawyers, please call 972.230.6200 today. We welcome clients from North Texas and Arkansas.