Injury & Malpractice Attorney Serving Clients Near Dallas, Ft. Worth, Plano, Arlington, Irving, North Texas & Arkansas
Fewer than two percent of all Texas attorneys can claim board certification in Personal Injury Trial Law by the State Bar of Texas' Board of Legal Specialization.
To even be considered for the honor of board certification, an attorney must have been in practice at least five years, must have handled many jury trials dealing with matters such as vehicle accidents, premises liability, products liability or other claims which involve an injury to a person. The attorney must also have extensive knowledge of the law of evidence, procedure, and other substantive law involved in the trial of personal injury cases.
More than that, an attorney who seeks the honor of board certification must be recommended by other attorneys-attorneys who have actually worked with him-- as well as judges who have actually seen him represent clients in trial. These recommendations are collected by the State Bar of Texas in secret: the attorneys who seeks to be certified never sees what other lawyers and judges have to say about him.
Finally, the attorney must take and pass a specialized and difficult day long examination.
Small wonder that so few attorneys are board certified. It takes hard won, extensive experience that few have. It takes proven, specialized knowledge. It takes the respect of your opponents and of judges who have seen your work and the results you get
If you have a personal injury case, look for a board certified personal injury lawyer. After all, you wouldn't go to just any doctor for surgery-you'd go to a specialist with extra training. Personal injury trial law is no different. Only a fool would pick a lawyer who isn't a specialist.
So look at lawyer ads carefully. You'll be surprised that the lawyers with the biggest ads and the ones that scream the loudest on TV, calling themselves the "toughest" actually can't claim the experience that really matters.
Any lawyer can give himself a catchy nickname. Very few can say that the State Bar of Texas calls them "Board Certified".
Want to know more? See the Texas Board of Legal Specialization website at
If you've been injured in an accident due to someone else's negligence, let Polewski & Associates fight for you. Please call 972.230.6200 today for a case evaluation with our experienced Dallas area personal injury attorney.