Injury & Malpractice Attorney Serving Clients Near Dallas, Ft. Worth, Plano, Arlington, Irving, North Texas & Arkansas
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Lawyer for a Personal Injury, Business or Malpractice Case
- YÂ N Have I met the lawyer who is going to be handling my case?
- YÂ N Did that lawyer promise to handle my case himself?
- YÂ N Is this lawyer a board certified personal injury trial lawyer certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of Texas?
- YÂ N Has this lawyer handled cases like mine before?
- YÂ N Does this lawyer seem knowledgeable and interested in me personally?
- YÂ N Does the contract to hire this lawyer specify that this specific lawyer and not someone else will be in charge of trying my case to the jury if my case goes to trial?
- How long has this lawyer been handling cases like mine in Texas?
- What is the telephone number and email address I can use to get in touch with this lawyer personally?
- How often can I expect to hear from the lawyer about the progress of my case?
If you've been injured in an accident due to someone else's negligence, let Polewski & Associates fight for you. Please call 972.230.6200 today for a case evaluation with an experienced accident attorney.